Major Lectures delivered:
2016 Annual guest Lecture, Faculty of Philosophy, M. B. Lomonosov Moscow State University
2014 The Guggenheim-Schnurr Lecture, Swiss Society
for the History of Medicine
2012 The Gideon De Laune Lecture, Society of Apothecaries, London2012 The CMG Lecture, Berlin Academy of Sciences
2010 The John Karkalas Lecture, The Scottish Hellenic Society
2010 The Goodall Memorial Lecture, College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow
2006 The Cassamarca Lecture, Australian Society for Renaissance Studies
2004 McGovern Lecture, University of Oxford
1999 Annual Quodlibet Lecture, Centre for Medieval Studies, University of York
1997 Plenary Lecture, Annual meeting of the Renaissance Society of America, Vancouver
1997 Haldane Tait Lecture, The Scottish Society for the History of Medicine, Edinburgh
1996 Annual Lecture, The Society for Renaissance Studies, London
1995 College Lecture, The Royal College of Physicians of London
1994 Sheila Kassman Lecture in Ancient Philosophy, Institute of Classical Studies, London
1993 Bishop Memorial Lecture, Library Association, Medical, Health and Welfare Libraries Group
1992 Poynter Lecture, British Society for the History of Medicine
1988 William Snow Miller Lecture, University of Wisconsin
Other Lectures:
Vivian has given seminars or lectures at the Royal Society of Edinburgh; The Royal College of Physicians of London; the Daresbury Rutherford Appleton Laboratory; the Universities of Aston; Bristol; Cambridge; Durham; Exeter; King's College London; Leeds; Leicester; Liverpool; Loughborough; Manchester; Manchester Metropolitan; Newcastle; Nottingham; Oxford; Queen Mary U.L.; Reading; Royal Holloway; Southampton; Warwick; York; Bangor; Cardiff; Swansea; Aberdeen; Edinburgh; Glasgow; St. Andrews; Aachen; Aarhus; Alexandria; Ancona; Antwerp; Astana; Auckland; Basle; Berlin (E. and W.); Bologna; Copenhagen; Trinity College Dublin; University College Dublin; Erlangen; Frankfurt an der Oder; Freiburg; Geneva; Halle; Hamburg; Heidelberg; Helsinki; Kiel; Leiden; Lille; Lund; Maastricht; Macerata; Complutense, Madrid; UNED, Madrid; Mainz; Marburg; Fist Moscow State Medical School; Moscow State University; National Research University Moscow; the Russian Peoples' Friendship University, Moscow; Münster; Oslo; Padua; Paris; Parma; Pavia: Pisa; Reims; Rome; Saarbrücken; St. Etienne; Siena; Tours; Verona; Columbia; Florida State University; Georgia; Harvard; Indiana; Johns Hopkins; Kansas; Kentucky; McGill; McMaster; Minnesota; North Carolina; North Carolina State; North Western; Notre Dame; Ohio; Pennsylvania; Penn. State; Princeton; Queen's; Stanford; Texas; Toronto; UCLA; UCSF; Union College, Schenectady; Vancouver Island University; Western Australia; Western Ontario; Winnipeg; Wisconsin; Yale; the Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton; the Massachusetts Institute of Technology; the New York Academy of Medicine; the Académie des Inscriptions et Belles Lettres, the Faculté de Médecine, the Institut du Monde Arabe, the Ecole Normale Supérieure, and the Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes, Paris; the Istituto nazionale di Studi sul Rinascimento, Florence; the Istituto Universitario Orientale, Naples; and medical schools in Lille; Lisbon; Hershey, Pa.; Kansas City; and New York.
Vivian has been the guest of the Heidelberg Academy of Sciences; the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft; the Herzog August Bibliothek, Wolfenbüttel; the Robert Bosch Stiftung, Stuttgart; the E. German Society for the History of Medicine; the Accademia dei Fisiocritici, Siena; L'Association Internationale des Etudes Françaises; the Fondation Hardt; the Taniguchi Foundation; the Royal Canadian Colleges of Physicians and Surgeons; the Hannah Institute, Toronto; the Renaissance Society of America; the Pieter van Foreest Stichting, Delft; the Portuguese Committee for the History of the Great Discoveries; the Swedish Academy of Sciences; the Academia Europaea; ALLEA (All European Academies); the British Council; and sundry medical and historical societies in Britain and abroad.
Conferences and seminar series:
Vivian has published in 2008 two recent volumes of major proceedings of conferences which he organised in whole or in part: on Girolamo Mercuriale (at Forlì) and on the Black Death (in London). The European Review in 2008 published as an issue several of the papers organised by me on medieval medicine and pharmacy at the 2007 Toledo meeting of the Academia Europaea. He has been a member of the advisory committee of the 2002 and 2005 Colloques Hippocratiques.
While Head of the Academic Unit of the Wellcome Institute, Vivian was responsible for the whole academic programme, from undergraduate teaching to seminars and symposia. From 1980 to 2000, he organised each year either a seminar series or a one- or two-day conference, sometimes with outside bodies, including the Warburg Institute. Themes included the historiography of medicine, and German medicine, as well as various topics in ancient, mediaeval and renaissance medicine.
In 1987 he organised an international conference on `Medicine at the courts of Europe' at the Herzog-August-Bibliothek, Wolfenbüttel, and has returned there on several occasions, the last in 2000 to lecture at their Summer School. He was also a member of the Scientific Committee of the 31st International Congress of the History of Medicine, Antwerp, 1990.
In 1978 Vivian initiated an ongoing series of international conferences devoted to Galen, organising the 1979 conference in Cambridge, and the 1999 conference in London, and serving on the organising committees for those in Kiel (1982) and Pavia (1986).